Friday, December 15, 2006


Exodus is the story of God beginning the great fulfillment of his promise to Abraham - to make his offspring into a nation in the land where he was only a nomad. It is the story of God's intensely personal relationship with Moses. It is the story of his spectacular defeat of the most powerful Empire in the world. And it is the story of how God ultimately decides to continue to work with this people, tempted as he is to destroy them for their fickle and rebellious hearts.

  1. Out of Egypt I Called My Son (1-4)
  2. God the Playwright (5-11)
  3. The Lord is a Warrior (12-15)
  4. How Dreadful Is This Place (16-19)
  5. The Law of the Lord (20-24)
  6. How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place (25-31)
  7. You Have Hidden Your Face From Us (32-40)
  8. The Best of Men, the Worst of Men

I wanted to tell you how much I like this site. It's very well done, both in substance and style.

When I get the time, I'll read what you have here thoroughly.

And no, based on your posts on Genesis, no I wouldn't think you're a fundamentalist. I don't know any fundamentalist who would even consider the idea that Genesis incorporates myths.

ps - it's me, "Royale" a ka Steve

Welcome Royale, aka Steve. By the way, which should I call you?

Either or both, as both are my name. As my birth certificate says:

Steven Royal(e) xxx

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