Monday, July 30, 2007


After the great and terrible events of the conquest, the people of Israel are mired in a cycle of idolatry, affliction, and restoration. The tales of the great Judges that the Lord raises up to rescue his people are among the most memorable in the Bible. But these are very dark times; the book points beyond itself to a need for a leader who will guide the people in the ways of the Lord, and not simply beat their enemies off them when they've gone astray.
  1. Here Come the Judges (1-2)
  2. The Devices of the Crafty (3-5)
  3. This Might of Yours (6-8)
  4. A Stone Will Come Back on Him (9)
  5. What I Have Vowed I Will Pay (10-12)
  6. Strength and Wisdom (13-16)
  7. Abomination and Desolation (17-21)
  8. Right in Their Own Eyes (summary)

I'm enjoying the blog. And dinner was fabulous too. When I return from Colorado, your and your family will have to venture to Morrisville for dinner with me.

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